We offer curriculum-based programs for grades 2-8 science and technology, and social studies subject areas that include a small lesson, demonstration, and engaging activity. Each program is designed to be 60-90 minutes long and is free of charge; plus, we bring all the materials right to your classroom! Your students can learn about local history, buoyancy, pollution, ecosystems, invasive species, water quality, and more.

Check out our program descriptions for more details, then Connect Your Class Now!


Science and Technology

Science and Technology

These programs are designed to meet expectations in the grades 2, 4-8 Science and Technology curricula.
Social Studies

Social Studies

These programs are designed to meet expectations in the grades 3-6 Social Studies curricula, and the grades 7-8 Geography and History curricula.

Science & Technology


Social Studies

Glacial out there

It’s Glacial Out There!

Grades: 3 to 7

Duration: 60 minutes

This program is about the past and present impacts of glaciation on the landscape as well as how glaciers are formed, how they move, and different types of glaciers. In this activity, students will gain a new understanding of glacial advance and retreat through the making of their own glacial slime!

Key Words: glacier, glaciation, ice sheet, ablation zone, accumulation zone, calving, moraine, alpine glaciers, continental glaciers, ancient lake

War of 1812

Ready, Aye, Ready!

Grades: 7

Duration: 60 or 90 minutes

Students will gain an appreciation for Kingston’s contribution and role in the War of 1812. As a defining moment in our history, students will develop understanding of the impact of the war on the Great Lakes, specifically the Battle of Lake Erie. Through a live action version of Battleships, and a Choose Your Own Adventure activity as crew members on a ship, students will get a glimpse into what it was like for the American, British and Indigenous soldiers and civilians during this time.

Key Words: battle, navy, casualties, coordinates, maps, HMS St. Lawrence, HMS Prince Regent, vessel, control, military strategy

There and Back

There and Back Again

Grades: 7 and 8

Duration: 60 or 90 minutes

Students will learn about the mechanisms and economic importance of travel between and through the Great Lakes. Students will learn the components of a pound lock, how it works, its goal, and the forces that act within the system through demonstration and experimentation. Using materials provided by the Museum, students will have a chance to build their canal and lock system. The environmental impacts of the canals and locks will be discussed and explored.

Key Words: lock system, canal, Welland Canal, Rideau Canal

Great Lakes Cruise

All Aboard the Great Lakes Cruise!

Grades: 2, 4, 6 and 8

Duration: 60 minutes

This program explores travel in the Great Lakes in terms of lock systems and canals, however, the focus is on the SS Cayuga, a passenger steamship that ran from Toronto to Niagara in the 20th century. Students will investigate and analyze the design of steamships. This program offers a glimpse into life in this region during this time. To consolidate their learning, students will plan their own trip aboard the SS Cayuga including designing their route and budgeting for their expenses.

Key Words: steamship, locks, canal, budget, expense, travel


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